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Major Research Project
Cursus informatie
The student is able:
1. to translate a Life Sciences problem into a relevant research question;
2. to design a suitable research plan to investigate the formulated research question, according to international methodological and scientific standards;
3. to perform research under limited supervision;
4. to apply experimental techniques relevant to the research question;
5. to handle, analyse, interpret and evaluate empirically derived data in a correct manner;
6. to discuss the outcomes of empirical research and link these with scientific theories;
7. to critically reflect on his/her research in Life Sciences;
8. to indicate the relevance of his/her research for the field of Life Sciences and for society in general;
9. to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team;
10. to comprehensibly report research results orally and in writing, to an international audience of specialists and people from outside the field.
The major research project is an individual task. The project is build up from several elements: writing a  proposal, setting up and performing experiments and gathering emperical data, analyses including statistics, deriving discussion and conclusions based on data and literature research, writing a report, presenting data and findings in an oral presentation.

During the whole process the student is responsible for time management, cooperation within the research group and keeping the rules of scientific integrity.
Major research projects should take place within the UU, UMCU or an affiliated institute.

Entry requirements:
Prior approval of the Board of examiners is mandatory

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