Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: GEO4-1435
Advanced petrology: from microscopic properties to geological processes
Course info
Course codeGEO4-1435
Course goals
To develop an understanding of how microscopic observations of rocks and thermodynamic modelling can be combined to decipher geological processes within the Earth's crust and uppermost mantle. 
By the end of the course, students...
...will be able to interpret and analyse rock and mineral data obtained from state-of-the-art microstructural and chemical imaging techniques and...
...will have insight into how these techniques can be applied to analyse deformation, metamorphic and igneous processes. 
During this course, students will learn the theoretical and practical aspects of advanced techniques in mineralogy and petrology and their applications to research in Earth structure and dynamics. The first part of the course will deal with selected, state-of-the-art research questions in the field of (physical) petrology. The second part of the course will concentrate on theoretical and analytical research techniques including thermodynamic modelling, digital image analysis and micro-beam techniques such as electron microscopy. In the third part of the course, the students will utilise the new microscopy classroom equipped with next-generation optical polarisation microscopes coupled to an interactive software platform. During this part of the course, students will work on mini-research projects that combine the previous gained petrological knowledge and physical concepts with microscopic observations, image analysis and thermodynamic modelling. Through this, students will learn how the rock record can be investigated to decipher the physicochemical processes that dictate geological processes within the Earth's crust and upper mantle. The course is relevant to a wide range of employment opportunities. This includes general research positions in geology and materials science in industry and academia as well as employment in sectors such as geo-resources and geological risk assessment.

The course will help to develop the following transferable skills:
  • Ability to work in a team- presentations within a group;
  • Written communication skills- abstract and essay writing;
  • Problem-solving skills- exercises in practical classes;
  • Verbal communication skills- presentations;
  • Initiative- literature investigations;
  • Analytical/quantitative skills- exercises in practical classes;
  • Technical skills- petrography classes and rock and mineral identification skills.
Kies de Nederlandse taal