Please note: the information in the course manual is binding.
After completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the role of land use change in global environmental change;
- Identify and assess global and local historical, current and future drivers of land use change;
- Understand, analyse and evaluate environmental and socio-economic impacts of land use change;
- Understand land use change monitoring methods and be able to apply some of the methods;
- Comprehend the added value and limitations of land use change scenario projections and analyse cause-effect relations in land use change scenarios;
- Use the basic functionalities of GIS for spatial data processing;
- Develop land use change scenarios;
- Do basic Land use change modelling.
The course Land Change Science is a 3rd year GSS bachelor course for the track ‘Energy and Resources’ and ‘Climate, Water and Ecosystems’. The aim of this course is to teach the knowledge and skills to understand and analyse the use of land as a resource and the effects of land use changes on water climate and ecosystems and vice versa.
In this course it is all about the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills and the application of these on a case study. In an integrated assignment, the students work individually, in pairs and in groups on a case study country for which they assess the drivers and impacts of land use change and project future changes. For each week, a topic is introduced by a (guest) lecture for setting the scene and provide the basic principles of that topic (in the context of the course), a (guest) lecture in which the topic is illustrated by an expert, a tutorial/ PC practical in which the basic skills are thaught to analyse LUC, and a part of the assignment in which the students’ needs to apply the knowledge and skills learned in that week on their case study country.