Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: GEO2-3502
Development Geography II: Theory & Practice
Course info
Course goals

Upon successful completion of the course the students have knowledge of:

  • the diverse and plural nature of development thinking and practice and the continuous changes in both;
  • the basic components of development issues and the complex and multifaceted interconnections between them;
  • what development means in relation to specific places and people;
  • and are able to analyse and compare the development process of various countries and to present the findings in a written report.

Starting point of this course is the gap between the poorer and richer parts of the world. Throughout the course we analyse the unequal patterns of development and change at various levels of scale, and study the processes behind these changes. Are conditions improving or worsening and what efforts are being taken to improve the livelihood of the people in urban and rural regions of the poor countries?
Although the development issue is an interdisciplinary field of study and in this course attention is given to several points of view, the geography of development focuses particularly on the complex relationships between people, environment, resources, institutions and communities. Those constantly changing relationships are in their turn determined by movements and flows of people, commodities, finance, ideas and information. We will consider the results of the processes of change at a variety of scales, ranging from the micro-level (individual and household), through the local community level to the regional, national, international and ultimately global level.
The course uses lectures and a handbook to review the thinking on development and the different approaches to promote development. Geographical dimensions receive ample attention. In a practical asignment, students learn to make a comparative analysis of the development performance of selected countries.



Kies de Nederlandse taal