After completing this course, students are able to:
explain some major issues and debates in science education and communication and the major theories and research evidence that inform these debates
search and select relevant research literature in science education and communication
interpret and evaluate research literature in science education and communication
apply theories and research findings to concrete issues and debates in science education and communication
identify a problem, build a well-structured argument, drawing on the research literature, and take a balanced position with regard to the issues discussed in the course
communicate their knowledge and reasoning about the issues discussed in the course both in written form and in oral presentations
contribute to well-substantiated small-group discussions about the issues covered in the course.
Psychological and domain specific views on thinking, learning, communication and behaviour. The focus is on individual and small group learning processes. Students are required to critically evaluate research evidence, to interpret contradictory research claims and findings, and to apply these theories to analyse concrete issues.