Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: BMW32416
Vascular Biology
Course info
Course codeBMW32416
Credit load:      7,5 ECTS                                      Course code:          BMW32407
Coordinator:    Prof. G. Pasterkamp, PhD            Period:       2
Examiner:        Prof. G. Pasterkamp, PhD            Timeslot:    A+D
Email address:            Level:          3
Phone:             +31 88 75 58654                       
Heart- and coronary diseases are a major cause of death in Western society. The increase in diabetes and obesity will cause a further rise in cardiovascular diseases. This course deals with the pathogenesis and intervention of cardiovascular diseases. This course has a translational character, which means that the results from research will be translated into care for the patient. A lot of knowledge may never, or only in the late future, be of use for the patient. During the course, the subject matter will be dealt with in a way that triggers students to test knowledge for practical applications. The content will therefore not purely focus on cellular and molecular knowledge, but also on knowledge needed to put results of research into practice.
Blood clot formation because of arteriosclerosis is the pathological substrate of a coronary attack. It is of major importance to understand which plaques are the cause for blood clotting (unstable plaques). A lot of research is being conducted to investigate this, at molecular and cellular level, laboratory animals and humans. It is known that increased enzymatic degradation of collagen by proteases from inflammatory cells and the innate immune system plays an important role in destabilizing atherosclerotic plaques. After a coronary attack, the heart will undergo a lot of structural differences. The contractile capacity of the heart will decrease because cardiomyocytes will have died. Insight in the molecular processes which are the basis of vascular remodeling is essential to develop new techniques for intervention. Several therapies are being developed to treat heart- and coronary diseases: mechanical (surgery), cellular (stem cells), and molecular (RNA interference). This course will discuss these therapeutic interventions and their molecular mechanisms.
Required knowledge:
Basic knowledge of physiology and immunology is required.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and insight
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
de biologische aspecten van cardiovasculaire ziekten inclusief therapeutische interventies te beschrijven;
·          describe the biological aspects of cardiovascular diseases, including therapeutic interventions;
·          clarify the role of molecular and cellular processes in the development of vessel constriction and oxygen deprival of the organ;
·          explain the development of cardiovascular diseases from preclinical and clinical disciplines;
·          describe possible therapeutic interventions.
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
·          formulate a research proposal to solve a scientific cardiovascular problem;
·          analyse and present a scientific problem, together with other students in a team;
·          critically assess research proposals and research methods for their use in science and marketing.
At the end of this course, the student is able to:
·          show a critical and inquisitive attitude towards the developments in research to cardiovascular diseases.
Learning activities and contact time:
The course consists of lectures, e-tutorials, group meetings and private study. To understand the pathogenesis of a syndrome, the student will formulate a hypothesis form a clinical problem and make plan for research experiments. The practical part consists of demonstrations of experiments with laboratory animals, e.g. open-heart surgery and catheter interventions. Contact time is approximately 30%.
Method(s) of testing:
There will be an individual, written examination with open questions. The final grade is a combination of the grade obtained for the written examination (60%), discussion of an article (10%) and active participation during tutorials (30%). The tutorials will partly be web based.
Required material:
·          Course manual can be purchased at Mebiose in UMC Utrecht.
Kies de Nederlandse taal