Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: BMB502816
Fundamentals of Biofabrication
Course info
Course codeBMB502816
Course goals
Learning objectives:
  • Understand and apply knowledge of biofabrication, encompassing 3D printing techniques, biomaterial science, and tissue engineering:
    • Able to describe different 3D printing techniques and biomaterials used in biofabrication, as well as different applications
    • Able to process medical imaging data into printable CAD models
    • Able to describe the role of (stem) cells in the development of specialized tissues and appreciate the rationale for regenerative medicine strategies
    • Able to describe the cell-matrix interactions and the mechanical properties of specialized tissues
    • Able to describe the interaction of implanted cells and biomaterials in living organisms
    • Able to describe and distinguish different in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo research models and techniques, and determine which models/techniques are appropriate for answering a specific research/clinical question
    • Able to describe techniques for the in vitro manipulation of cells and biomaterials to engineer tissues for regenerative medicine purposes or in vitro models
    • Able to describe which challenges and approaches dominate the frontier research in biofabrication and/or regeneration of various tissues
    • Able to discuss ethical aspects of tissue engineering
  • Critically evaluate scientific literature
  • Function effectively in multidisciplinary, international (study) groups
Note: this is an online course stretching over 9 weeks with a study load of approximately 10 hours per week. The course contains weekly deadlines for group and individual assignments, as well as constant participation and peer interactions in group discussions. Students should take this into account when registering for the course based on other workload (courses/internships).

Period: 18 November 2024 - 31 January 2025 (2-week Christmas holiday)

Course coordinator: Paulina Nunez Bernal, MSc. (​
Lecturer: Paulina Nunez Bernal, MSc. (​

Course content
Biofabrication combines advanced 3D fabrication techniques with biological systems to create designed tissue constructs, which can be applied for tissue engineering, as 3D in vitro biological models or as medical therapeutic products. This e-­course aims to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge on the various aspects of biofabrication, including 3D printing techniques, biomaterials, tissue engineering, applications, translation and ethics. 
The subjects being addressed: 
  • 3D printing history, techniques, applications
  • CAD/CAM, 3D modelling, STL, G-code
  • Medical imaging to printing
  • 3D printing techniques: additive manufacturing, robotic
    dispensing, fused deposition modelling, electrospinning,
    stereolithography, powder printing
  • 3D printing in the clinic: devices and implants
  • Biomaterials: polymers, bioinks, tissue­-derived matrices
  • Cells and stem cells
  • Cell printing
  • Applications: cartilage, liver, cardiovascular system,
    organ­-on-­a-­chip, in vitro models
  • Translation, bench-­to­-bedside
  • Automation, implementation, and regulation of these technologies
  • Ethics
The added value for the participants:
This course provides fundamental knowledge on biofabrication and is developed by a leading research group within the biofabrication field. Weblectures are given by experts in the fields of tissue engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, medicine, biology and ethics.

You can register for this course via Osiris Student. More information about the registration procedure can be found here on the Studyguide.
Students must send a short motivation letter (200-300 words) before the 7th of October 2024, describing their reasons for taking the course, as well as their willingness to participate in its discussions and assignments and to meet deadlines. Please send this letter in an email to after completing the registration process via OSIRIS. A maximum of 20 students can participate in this course.

Entry requirements
Kies de Nederlandse taal