Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: BMB4711022
Experience & Expertise
Course info
Course codeBMB4711022
Course goals
At the end of the course, students are able to:

reflect and communicate on individual and collective experiential knowledge of living with a chronic condition in relation to scientific research
articulate the benefits and drawbacks of patient experiences and patient involvement in education and research.
reflect and communicate on experiential knowledge of living with a chronic condition in relation to their goals for their master and future career.
Period (from - till):
This course starts in Period 2 (BMS_P2_A) and will run for the whole 2 years of the master

Description of content

In this course GSLS master-students learn to integrate their experiential knowledge (i.e. ervaringskennis) of living with a chronic physical or mental condition with their research expertise and scientific skills. They learn to cross the boundary between experience and expertise, and transform into a double talent. In monthly workgroup meetings each student will be stimulated to to formulate his/her own story of living with a chronic condition. They find out  how representative an individual story is for the story of others with the same condition. The students learn to see the added value of experiential knowledge - individual and collective -to scientific research. They get a realistic view on benefits and drawbacks of patient involvement in education and research. At the end of the course, they choose whether and how they want to pursue a career as a double talent.

Central is the personal learning track of the student aimed at scientific skills, but also personal growth and learning about patient involvement. The workgroup meetings during this course will consist of a stimulating mix of – amongst others – debate, individual and group assignments, guest lectures, and serious games. Besides workgroup meetings there will be a lot of room for students to have input on the curriculum and format of their end project allowing agency over their learning process.

The end-project for this course consists of:
  1. Reflection essay describing how the student has integrated their experience and expertise and generated new perspectives and knowledge (80%).
  2. A presentation about what the student has learned and their project (20%).

Students will have to participate in at least 80% of workgroup meetings and there will be self-study assignments to prepare for the meetings.

This course will constitute a safe environment for X&X-students to reflect, exchange ideas and learn. An important part of the course is research into and promotion of patient involvement in education and research, and the pivotal role the X&X-student can fulfill due to their multiple roles as a student, researcher, etc.

Through Osiris, subject to approval by the course coordinator based on a letter of motivation stating a) why they want to participate in this course, and b) their experiential knowledge of living with a chronic condition. N.B. this letter of motivation has to be received before October 5th (please email the course coordinator for more details about this letter of motivation). Maximun of 20 participants.

Mandatory for students in Master’s programme:

Optional for students in other Master’s programmes GS-LS:

Kies de Nederlandse taal