Kies de Nederlandse taal
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Advanced Research Methods and Statistics for Psychology: Applications in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Course info
Course code201900065
Course goals
  • Understanding of research methods and multivariate analysis techniques used in psychological research
  • Being able to read scientific articles containing a detailed description of psychological research
  • Being able to perform analyses in SPSS and to interpret the output given by SPSS in the light of the research question
  • Being prepared to perform analyses and present results typical for the bachelor thesis in Child and Youth Psychology
This course has a general part for all psychology students, and a track-specific part. The general part is thaught at the same time and together with students from the other 3 psychology tracks. After the general part the 4 tracks separate into the track-specific parts.

General part - content
The topics covered are: multiple regression, moderator and mediator effects, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and repeated measures analysis of variance and mixed designs. Every topic will be discussed in the context of psychological research. The goals of studying the different statistical techniques include that students are able to execute, understand and correctly interpret these techniques, but also include developing the ability to critically review psychological research articles and reflect on strengths and possible weaknesses in design, data, analyses, reporting of results, and/or conclusions drawn from the results.
Track Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - content
Additional training of practical skills in practical meetings with individual personalized assignments. Demonstration of some additional research methods and analysis techniques that are relevant for researchers in Child and Youth Psychology.
Kies de Nederlandse taal