Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: 201700143
Academic Professional Youth studies
Course info
Course code201700143
Course goals
  • Upon completion of the course ‘Academic Profession, the student is aware of ethical dilemmas in the field of Youth Studies.
  • Upon completion of the course ‘Academic Profession, the student can reflect on academic and professional integrity in the field of Youth Studies.
  • Upon completion of the course ‘Academic Profession, the student has an understanding of and a proactive stance regarding the opportunities available in the jobmarket.
  • Upon completion of the course ‘Academic Profession, the student is aware of and can reflect on the development of their professional identity and is able to engage in self-directed activities to address any lacunas in their competencies (life-long learning).
Assessment of goals
The goals of the course related to job market orientation and professional integrity and ethics will be assessed through participation in (guest) lectures, seminars, training sessions and other activities included in the course, as well as the completion of formative and summative assignments, including in relation to specific lectures and other activities. 

In the year-long module Academic Professional students are prepared for the job market by developing their professional identity. Important components thereof include: reflection, academic integrity, ethical conduct in practice, entrepreneurship, and life-long learning. In addition, this course will also provide students with an opportunity to develop practical skills that enable operating successfully in the job market. In different components of the course (lectures/seminars, assignments) ethical dilemmas will be studied. Through guest lectures by alumni and professionals working in the field of youth studies, job market orientation is stimulated. Additionally, students have ample opportunity to work on their individual professional identity development. For instance, students can participate in further training, additional to the compulsory offerings, and/or engage in network meetings. Where possible, these activities are linked to obtaining and internship position and the work undertaken as part of the internship.
Kies de Nederlandse taal