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Cursus: 201700107
Development, learning and behavior
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)7,5
At the end of the course students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theories and empirical findings regarding various developing domains and related behaviors (see content) that are relevant for developmental scientists in general and educationalists (pedagogen) in particular. Students are encouraged to link knowledge from these specific domains of development to the various ecological systems within which developments takes place, that are extensively discussed in the preceding courses.
Next to this substantive knowledge students will learn to present their scientific work (e.g., knowledge, products, research findings) to societal stakeholders (e.g., children, parents, teachers, (health) care professionals, schools, policy makers) in an appropriate way.

Relationship between tests and goals
The substantive knowledge of the various domains of physical and cognitive development that are relevant for developmental scientists in general and educationalists (pedagogen), and the relationship thereof with the various developmental systems will be assessed using a multiple choice exam, based on the lectures and required readings.
The acquisition of the academic skill of presenting their scientific work to societal-stakeholders in an appropriate way will be assessed by evaluating and grading students presentations.
The course will focus on:
1) Physical development, including biological development (e.g., genes, development of the brain, stress and  hormone systems) and motor and perceptual development (e.g., development of locomotion and perception of the object world), and cognitive development (e.g., development of language, learning, memory, self-regulation);
2) interactions between developmental processes across these domains;
3) how these developments influence behaviors and vice versa;
4) how these developments are shaped by the various ecological systems within which they take place and vice versa.
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