Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: 201700028
PM: Academic Writing
Course info
Course code201700028
Course goals
For course info, click the English-flag button at the top of this webpage. 
Successful researchers, consultants, and employees of both nongovernmental organizations and corporations often rely upon the critical skill of academic writing for communicating important scientific ideas. In this course, we will address the development of students’ skills in conceptualizing and writing high quality research reports. This skill set includes the abilities to read and understand research papers, make logical connections between different stages of a research study and sections of a written report, and use conventions of academic English and APA correctly. While each of these topics will be covered, we will most thoroughly practice the writing of answerable research questions, conducting literature searches, and synthesizing literature. These three activities will provide us with opportunities and material for developing the broader skill set.
Kies de Nederlandse taal