Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: 201600025
Research plan Master's thesis
Course info
Course code201600025
Course goals
To develop a research plan regarding a Master thesis in Educational Sciences which will make a scientific contribution to the knowledge base of educational professionals. The aim of writing the research plan is to enhance the application of knowledge and understanding in the field of educational science and methods/statistics, as well as enhancing skills regarding judgements, communication, and learning skills.  
In this course, students write a research plan on which their master thesis will be based. Before the start of the course, students will be assigned to a supervisor based on their indicated preferences. Thematic groups will be formed with several supervisors and peers. There will be regular thee group meetings, during which students will receive feedback from their supervisor and peers on their research plan.The research plan consists of a theoretical framework, research questions and hypotheses, a method section, a time table, and a risk analysis. The research plan should provide the supervisor and the second assessor insight into what exactly will be studied, how the research is theoretically founded, how the research procedure and data-analyses will be carried out, the time table and the potential risks of the study. The research plan will be accompanied by a form to assess the scientific integrity of the research plan. The first step in the research plan is for the student to formulate a research problem within the field of educational sciences. As a minimum, the research problem contains the description of an academically relevant problem, its context, and a clear research question, broken down into sub-questions. When drawing up a research plan, relevant literature must be read and the theoretical foundation must be described. If possible and meaningful, hypotheses (theoretical assumptions), or concrete expectations concerning the outcomes, should be formulated. After formulating the problem description and theoretical framework, the research design is developed, which involves deciding on a sample, research method (s), selecting or developing one or more measuring instruments, data collection, and data analyses (analysis plan). This analysis plan includes a specification of which statistical tests and criteria for statistical significance will be applied. A separate issue in the design phase of empirical research is the ethical review. 

In principle, the master thesis is written in English
Kies de Nederlandse taal