First, the course is intended to develop an overview and understanding of the phenomenon of datafication and pervasive software use, the related literature and the different positions of critical cultural inquiry into digital technologies. Second, the course fosters the students' ability to conduct an independent research project. Third, the course teaches students to assess the relative benefits and drawbacks of practice-based and theoretical approaches towards the subject matter.
Only open to students enrolled in the MA programme New Media & Digital Culture.
In almost all areas of our contemporary society and culture, data collection, databases, algorithms and software emerge as crucial actors in processes of social (inter)action, cultural production and decision-making. This profoundly affects our understanding of authorship, consumption, cultural participation and political agency.
Existing approaches to digital phenomena including software studies, platform studies, critical code studies and game studies provide theoretical framing and place related research endeavours in the broader field of science & technology studies. Within the humanities, the computational turn labeled as 'digital humanities' builds on that foundation: it expands the research abilities by valorizing the existing debates in combination with novel, genuinely digital methodologies.
Career orientation:
The course refers explicitly to practical cases from the fields of software development, public administration, the app ecology, and policy-making. The focus of the course will be on conducting digital humanities research and applying appropriate methods for researching digital phenomena.
Career orientation:
The course refers explicitly to practical cases from the fields of software development, public administration, the app ecology, and policy-making. The focus of the course will be on conducting digital humanities research and applying appropriate methods for researching digital phenomena.