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Cursus: MCRMV16046
Corporeal Literacy
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)5
This course aims to increase knowledge of and insight into the cultural and historical specificity of perception and cognition. The course trains skills in critical reading of media, art and performance objects.
In this course, we will look at the corporeal dimensions of perception and cognition as a culturally and historically specific phenomena. That is, we will look at perception and cognition as embodied and as co-constituted by culturally and historically specific practices and contexts. We will look at how perception and cognition are cultured, how this manifests itself, and how we can become aware of such cultural and historical specificity. We will also look at how increased awareness of this cultural and historical specificity contributes to ‘fleshing out’ capacities and activities that have traditionally been associated with the mind (like for example thinking, learning, understanding) and opens the possibility of new approaches to these activities.
Career orientation:
The course trains skills in critical reading and analysis of media, art and performance objects and allows students to develop rhetorical argumentation, which can be applied to a variety of professional fields (cultural institutions, academia, education, etc.).
Students also practice the skill of writing a response to a text/argumentation.

This course is for students in the RMA programmes Musicology, Art History, Gender Studies, Religious Studies, NLC, CLS, MAPS and the EFMS programme. The entrance requirements for Exchange Students will be checked by International Office and the Programme coordinator. You do not have to contact the Programme coordinator by yourself.
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