Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: GE1V18004
History of the Netherlands, 1813-Present
Course info
Course codeGE1V18004
Course goals
Learning outcomes
Students acquire:
  • ·      knowledge of the main historical events and developments in the Netherlands since the Golden Age;
  • ·        knowledge of the Netherlands' place in the world since the seventeenth century;
  • ·        the ability to place various historical highlights from the history of the Netherlands, as presented in the lectures, in a wider historical context, and to establish links between them;
  • ·        knowledge of important primary sources from Dutch history over the past centuries;
  • ·        the skills required to study and analyse primary sources.
Learning objectives
•        gain knowledge of and acquire insight into the main historical events and developments in Dutch history over the past two centuries;
•        gain knowledge of and acquire insight into the international historical context of the Netherlands over the past two centuries;
•        gain knowledge of various historically important moments from the history of the Netherlands, by means of the themed lectures;
•        gain knowledge of important primary sources from Dutch history over the past two centuries;
•        develop the academic skills outlined below

Students acquire the following skills:
•        the ability to recognise main aspects of the historical development of the Netherlands over the past two centuries;
•        the ability to place historically important moments in a wider historical context;
•        the ability to place specifically Dutch historical events and developments in a wider European perspective;
•        the ability to seek out primary sources relating to Dutch history;
•        the ability to describe and critically analyse primary sources, and to place them in a historical context;
•        the written presentation of a source analysis;
•        the provision of scientific justification in the source analysis;
•        the concise formulation of factual knowledge and insight relating to Dutch history in the exam.
Important: this course is for non-History students only!
Please note: TCS and LAS students who have completed  'Eigentijdse geschiedenis voor TCS' (GE1V13009) and/or 'Moderne Geschiedenis' (GE1V13008) are permitted to take this course.

The Netherlands has been a kingdom for over two centuries. Over the past 200 years, the political landscape of the Netherlands, and therefore also the economic, cultural and social landscape, has changed significantly. Many current achievements, such as the right to vote, social services and sexual freedom, were heavily contested in the past. Things which are now taken for granted in the Netherlands – political parties, married women working, civil liberties – were often hard-won. The country's role in the world has shifted from a major colonial power to a progressive pioneer. Some foreign developments also appear to be closely intertwined with Dutch politics. This was the case during the two world wars, as well as the Vietnam War or the arms race during the Cold War. In this course, the main events and developments in the history of the Netherlands during the 19th and 20th centuries will be explained, studied and analysed. Although the emphasis is on political history, a broad definition of politics is deliberately applied: relevant social, cultural and economic aspects are also covered in the lectures and the literature. Literature and primary sources are used alongside the lectures. Students also analyse a historical aspect using a source of their own choice and provide a written report. Finally, their knowledge and understanding of the historical evolution are tested in an exam. 
Kies de Nederlandse taal